Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Hello to all and welcome to my blog. At this site, you can get the latest news on my adventures in the peace corps, view photos, or post a message. You can also send me an email directly to my gmail account: epitrof@gmail.com.

Look forward to hearing from you.


"You know you can't spell Belize without Liz"


Anonymous said...

Hi Liz,

I thought I'd try this too, and so whenever you see it you'll know we were thinking about you...

Love, Hugh & Ginnie

Anonymous said...

Don't know if you're online yet. Can't wait for scoops. Kate is leaving, so there will be Adele and me. Perhaps we're up to it; perhaps not. Everything changes. We're sending out our first batch of QEP's without you. Scott and I are the experts. Heh, heh. You're missed here - by me, anyway.


Anonymous said...

Hey Liz, Happy 4th of July! I'm hoping that you're enjoying your new adventure, and will look forward to seeing an update on your blog... assuming you will be somewhere with electricity. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you!


Gwen said...

Hi Liz:

Between you and Alison (in East Timor), I am being forced to learn about blogging. I'm impressed with your website. Great map to help us learn where you are. This is Taste of Chicago weekend and it's 86 degrees. What you are doing is so far away from the 4th of July. Look forward to your postings.

Liz Pitrof said...

Thanks so much to all of you who have left comments so far. I arrived in Belize on June 21st and it has been a bit of a whirlwind since. We have had sessions everyday except Sundays from 8 - about 5. On the Friday after we arrived, we were split up into twos and threes and moved into host family homes in a small town called Armenia, about 8 miles from Belmopan. The family is quite nice. I am learning a little bit of Spanish as the mom speaks only Spanish. The facilities are less than one would have in the US but I'm learning to adapt. We have electricity, but not in all rooms; there is no running water, it is drawn from the river because there has not been enough rain to collect sufficient water each day. We have a toilet and shower attached to the house; we have a bucket of water and a dipper in the shower stall which I am becoming adept at using. I must confess that it has made me much more conscious of how much water we use. Oh yes, I got a lesson in hand washing clothes in the river on a rock in the middle of the river.

The temperatures range from about 75 at night to maybe 85 to 90 during the day, but there is usually a breeze.

There are a total of 38 trainees - so we are quite a crowd. It is an interesting mix which includes 5 couples and 7 over 50. We are getting on well.

We are going to be further split up next Sunday and being shuttled to a total of about 7 or more separate sites. The 10 other trainees with me in business/organizational development will go either to Maskal or Santa Martha which are north of Belmopan. Those in Maskal will be trained in Creole and those in Santa Martha will learn Spanish. We will not learn who goes where until Thursday. We will be there for 6 weeks of training and each trainee stays with a different host family. We are only taking one suitcase, so it will be challenging trying to plan what we will need for 6 weeks.

The Belizeans that we have met so far have been very friendly.

In short, so far so good. I will try to take some pictures soon and post, but don't expect too much for now as life will continue to be a whirlwind.

Love your messages and emails and will try to return individual emails will I can get to a computer.

Best wishes to all. Liz

Anonymous said...

Hello Sis,this is a fine way to communicate. Your description of life so far was well done& appreciated. We're off to Pa w/Marti ....an experiment. have fun.
Love, H & G in CT

Anonymous said...

glad all is going well. We ABQ folks are doing ok. If all goes as planned, Irv, Lois, Teo, Nancy, Betty and I will be going to Guate in November for a special build and dedication of house #25000. Thanks so much for being part of our Global Village, which I guess was part of the impetus that got you to Belize.
God Speed and Blessings on your endeavors to help the folks in that aprt of the world.

Anonymous said...

Hi Liz,
You are likely deep into your language training so I'll not expect to see a posting from you anytime soon. Hope all is well w/you.We're off to NH for awhile. All is good here.
Love, G & H in CT

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year,

Read your latest report. You sound more chipper. I hope this means you are enjoying yourself.I found your descriptions of events & people reflective of someone more comfortable than before. That's great.
It's late here so goodnight & I'll Email you soon.

Love from CT

Anonymous said...

To the owner of this blog, how far youve come?

Map of Belize

Map of Belize
The contents of this Web Site are mine personally and do not reflect any position o fthe U.S. Government or the Peace Corps.